H160 x W85 cm per panel, total 3 panels
260 cm across all 3 artworks (with 1 inch gap between)
Acrylic Painting, Silkscreen Printing on Canvas, Silk Fabric Applique, Flocking, Foiling on Linen Canvas
This artwork “Eden”, takes us back to the original garden. A place where all kinds of trees were made to grow from the ground, trees beautiful to look at and good to eat.
God spoke: “ Earth, green up! Grow! All varieties of seed and beautiful plants”. An oasis was formed, a perfect world, where all was good, harmonious and in perfect balance and order. Man was assigned the task of looking after the garden, responsible for the earth itself.
In the world today we listen to the news and see how a great darkness has crept in, wars in dark places. The earth itself suffers, as it has been mistreated and global warming is a reality.
But “Eden” does not focus on the negative. Like the colour green symbolises, it brings with it hope. Hope of new life growing, hope of people helping each other in hard times. Even in war, beauty can emerge. Our planet can be rejuvenated, if we take the time to care for it.
“Eden” focuses on the positive not the negative. It is a reminder of the original design, everything working together to form a whole. Just like bees come together in a community , they work together to form a beehive. The hive itself is made up of perfectly structured hexagonal shapes which are beautifully connected, forming a strength in unity.
It is easy to get overwhelmed if we look at the darkness. But given the opportunity, light can shine into the darkness. In “Eden” light shines through the trees, bathing the earth with the Creator’s presence. Crystals sparkle on the canvas, gold leaf shines and creates beautiful contrasting textures. Much of the canvas has been left bare, allowing breathing space and a sense of calm.
Golden text has been added onto the canvas, an ancient script that speaks of the beauty of the way humans were created. We were “intricately & skilfully formed (as if embroidered with many colours) in the depths of the earth.”
“Eden” both respects and embraces the beauty of nature. Just as a walk outside in a beautiful space can bring healing to the soul, “Eden” brings the life of nature into the interior space. Lush and fertile, bursting with new life, hope & energy.